Cigar cabinets, in order to better save cigars, we must prepare special cabinets to store.Each kind of cigar also has a certain maturity cycle. The cigar leaves the factory. They just become a "shape". It is just a child and is not mature. At this time, the cigar is not suitable for smoking.From the cigar factory to the dealer, to the retail store, until the cigars hands, it has been continuing fermentation during this process, and it matures slowly. It requires the appropriate temperature and humidity to "develop" perfectly.
Cigur cabinet size
Cigar cabinet price
1. Supply compressor temperature constant wet cigar cabinet XJ-124A Price: 6480.002, manufacturer direct selling various compressed machine constant temperature constant wet cigar cabinets XJ-084B Price: 4500.003, manufacturer direct selling imported Spanish cigar box cigar cigar cigarette cabinetsFigure processing and customized price: 989.004, family cigar cabinet electronic small cigar cigar display cabinet, constant temperature constant wet cigar cabinet price: 720.005, beauty companion manufacturer cigar cabinet small electronic cigar cigar display cabinet, constant wet imitation wooden cigar cabinet price: 1000.006, Gao Xiba COHIBA cigar box moisturizing cabinet Xiangbai Cedar Skincus cigar box craft gift wholesale price: 200.00
What is the correct humidity of the cigar cabinet?
The temperature is adjusted between 16 ° C and 24 ° C, and the humidity is between 60 and 80.This is the most standardized data in the country.
Cigar brand
1. Yuliekov cigar cabinet 2. SICAO new cigar cabinet 3, Meidan cigar cabinet 4. Kateo KETEO cigar cabinet 5, Meijing cigar cabinet
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