The oscilloscope is a very widely used electronic measurement instrument.It can transform the invisible electrical signal into visible images, which is convenient for people to study the changes in various electrical phenomena.The oscilloscope uses a narrow, high -speed electron beam, and hit the screen with fluorescent substances, which can produce small light points (this is the working principle of traditional simulation oscilloscope).
How to use the oscilloscope
When the oscilloscope is used for a long time before or for a long time, it is necessary to perform a simple inspection of whether it can work at a time and the adjustment of the stability of the scan circuit and the DC balance balance of the vertical amplifier circuit.When a quantitative test of the oscilloscope is performed by voltage and time, it is necessary to perform a calibration of vertical lane gain and horizontal scanning speed.Select the Y-axis coupling method: According to the frequency of the measured signal, select the Y-axis input coupling method to select the "AC-Di-DC" switch at AC or DC.The attenuation probes should be divided by attenuation multiple; when the DC file is taken in the coupling mode, the superposition DC voltage value should be considered), and the Y axis sensitivity selects the V/DIV switch (or the Y -axis attenuation switch) at the appropriate gear level.If the voltage value does not need to be read in actual use, the Y -axis sensitivity fine -tuning (or Y -axis gain) knob can be appropriately adjusted to make the high waveform required on the screen.Select triggering (or synchronization) signal source and polarity: usually the trigger (or synchronization) signal polarity switch is placed in "+" or "-" files.Select the scanning speed: According to the approximate value of the measured signal cycle (or frequency), the X -axis scanning speed T/DIV (or scanning range) is switched and switched to the appropriate gear level.If you do not need to read the test time value in actual use, you can appropriately adjust the speed of the speed T/DIV fine -tuning (or scanning micro -adjustment) knob to make the waveform of the cycle required for the test on the screen.If you need to observe the edge part of the signal, the T/DIV switch should be placed at the fastest speed scan gear.Enter the measured signal: After the test signal is attenuated by the probe (or the input impedance is reduced by the same axis cable, but the input impedance at this time is reduced and the input capacitance is increased), and the oscilloscope is input through the Y -axis input terminal.
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