Schneider -shaped shell broken circuit breaker, the circuit breaker is divided into high -pressure circuit breakers and low -voltage circuit breakers according to the range of use. The division of high and low voltage lines is relatively vague. Generally, 3KV or more is called high -voltage electrical appliances.Low -voltage circuit breakers, also known as automatic switches, commonly known as air switch also refer to low -voltage circuit breakers. It is an electrical appliance that has both manual switching and can automatically perform pressure loss, pressure, overload, and short -circuit protection.It can be used to allocate power, and the asynchronous motor is not launched frequently, and the power lines and motors are protected.
Price of Schneider Shell Broken Word
There are four major series of products in Schneiders shell, including: NSX, NSC, EZD, and NSE series products.The price of the circuit breaker sold on the market is mainly based on the extreme and the rated current. The rated current of the 3P series of the EZD series of the Schneider Plastic Shell Broken Series is about 300 yuan below 100A, and the price of the rated power of 125A is 500About yuan, and the rated power price between 125A and 200A is about 600 yuan.The price of the NSX3P series products of Schneider Shell is slightly higher. The rated power of NSX can be as high as 630A.The price of 250A products is about 1900 yuan, the price of the rated power of 400A is about 2700 yuan, and the rated power of 630A is as high as 5,000 yuan.The product of the NSE series is also the extreme of 3P, but the price of the rallifier between 160A and 250A at the rated power is about 200 yuan, while the price of 4P is about 300 yuan.
Schneiders Shell Broken Router Manual
1. Schneider -shaped shell cutter maintenance: 1. Keep the air humid or unclean, and the pipeline is not clean, which may cause a little consequences: (1) The humid gases are decomposed into hydrogen, oxygen and other mixed gases under the action of the arc, destroying the main touch of the main touchThe insulation between the fracture after the head is disconnected is difficult to arc or the arc is re -ignited, which will cause the arc destroyer to burst in severe cases.(2) The insulation strength of the indoor cavity supports porcelain bottle and the arc extinguishing indoor cavity is reduced, causing discharge along the surface.(3) Foreign objects such as patent leather, rust residue in the pipeline may block the air mouth, causing the main sector to fail to fail, and the card position occurs.(4) If the foreign body enters the arc extinguishing room, it may cause poor main contact contact, causing non -linear resistance to be burned due to long -term power, and in severe cases, nonlinear resistance porcelain bottle will burst.
Schneider -shaped shell breakfire
Schneider -shaped shell cutter selection manual
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