What brand of handbag/handbag?What are the quality brands of handbag/handbag?Top ten rankings of handbag/handbag brand.The following editors will introduce the top ten brands of handbags/handbags. These ten brands are: Hermes, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Dior, Prada, Tan Dies, Fenti, Berbeli, and Selin.
Going out the handbag is basically standard for everyone. Not only can you install some necessary items but also match with clothing, showing your style.High -quality handbags can highlight a persons temperament, so do you know which well -known handbags/handbags in the world?Which handbag/handbag brand is trustworthy?The following is the support of data support. The top ten brands and related brand information of the handbags/handbags that Xiaobian for you for you are for your reference.
1. Hermes
Hermes Hermes, the top ten brands of handbags, was founded in Paris in 1837. It is famous for its production of silk scarves and ties. Its Kelly bag/Birkin bag/scarf and tie design is well -known internationally.
Two, Chanel
Chanel, the top ten brands of handbags, the famous French luxury brand, began in 1910. It is known for its professional fashion boutique/watch/high -grade jewelry and perfume and beauty products.Logo, NO.5 perfume/2.55 handbag/small black skirt/double -color shoes is the eternal classic of the fashion industry.
Third, Louis Vuitton
LV Louis Vuitton, the top ten brands of handbags, began in France in 1854. The leather superb craftsmanship integrates in the world with its high -quality quality and original spirit.Essence
Four, Gucci
Gucci Gucci, the top ten brands of handbags, began in Italy in 1921. It is famous for its high -quality and exquisite Italian craftsmanship, focusing on classic shoes/luxury handbag/high -end perfume/jewelry watch products.
5. Dior
Dior Dior, the top ten brands of handbags, began in 1947. It is a well -known French fashion consumer brand. It belongs to LVMH Louis Vuitton Group./Model of skin care field, blue gold lipstick/5 color eye shadow is the treasure of the town card.
6. Prada
Prada Prada, the top ten brands of handbags, began in 1913, Italy. It is a world -renowned vanguard trend brand and a model of fine leather goods. Family brands known for their practical creative ideas are popular all over the world with the classic "black nylon bag".
Seven, Die Family
Bottegavenetas Top Ten Brands, Top Ten Brands, originated from the luxury brand in Italy in 1966. It is well -known for its exquisite handmade and elegant leather. The leather knitting method/The KNOT dinner hand bag/mens leather shoes for a long time.
Eight, Fanty
FENDI Fanty, the top ten brands of handbags, began in Rome in 1925. Italian brand, leather family, with classic fur and Baguettes classic handbags enjoys their reputation in the worlds advanced fashion industry.
Nine, Bobari
Burberry Berbeli, the top ten brands of handbags, was established in 1856. It has a well -known British style brand. The signature lattice pattern is a symbol of the status of the Burberry family. Wind coats are well -known worldwide as the brand logo.
Ten, Selin
Celine Selin, the top ten brands of handbags, began in 1945. The famous French luxury brand has a strong style, free and free and independent, and is very Parisian style. It starts with senior boys leather shoes.Also the most popular item.
The above is the relevant information of the optical fiber fiber melting machine brand compiled by everyone. I hope everyone can gain something after reading this article.This article is written by the "Ten Rankings of the Global Famous Pagrants Brand".
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