The ingredients in An Biyans three -effect mask are streamlined and efficient, and there are no messy things such as alcohol, hormone, and flavors. During pregnancy and sensitive muscles, they can be used with confidence.The repair ingredients, this acne + repair + hydration three effects. After entering the pit, my skin has always been a good state of healthy and stable. If you want to rush acne first aid, soothe hydration, and redly buy it, it is right.An Biyan densely hydrated Shurun ??Mask looks plainly, in fact, it is against the mountains, and it also has West China patent triple antibody: anti -sugar, antioxidant, and light -resistant old three -hand grabbing effect is not good. It can reduce staying up late to stay up lateThe dullness brought, especially the red and swollen acne just emerged without squeak, insisting that not only the acne was applied, but even the red face was taken away.
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