Before buying anything, you need to develop a good habit, that is, you can understand what you want to buy in advance.The same is true of buying rubies. Before buying ruby, you must not only understand the characteristics of rubies, but also ...
How to estimate the weight of ruby
Before buying anything, you need to develop a good habit, that is, you can understand what you want to buy in advance.The same is true of buying rubies. Before buying ruby, you must not only understand the characteristics of rubies, but also need to understand how to estimate the weight of a ruby.So, how to estimate the weight of ruby? How to estimate the weight to be accurate? Below, I will introduce the weight of the weight of ruby! China! China!
Ruby refers to the red jade with color. It is a type of jade. The main ingredient is alumina (al2O3). The red comes from chromium (CR). It is mainly CR2O3. The content is generally 0.1 ~ 3%, and the highest is 4%.
How to estimate the weight of ruby:
Oval: diameter 2 × height × 4.00 × 0.0020 (diameter: length, width average)
Square mixed: diameter 2 × height × 4.00 × 0.0018 (diameter: vertical, horizontal and diagonal average)
Long -shaped mixed shape: average width of 2 × high × 4.00 × 0.0022 (diameter: long, width average)
Fang -square emerald shape: diameter 2 × high × 4.00 × 0.0023
Rectangular grandmother green shape: diameter 2 × high × 4.00 × 0.0025
Note: The above formulas are based on the thickness of the waist, the pavilion is not prominent, and the symmetry is better.A thicker waist may require a 10%correction (correction weight = original weight+original weight × 10%), the prominent pavilion may require 18%correction, and the asymmetric shape may require 10%correction.
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