High-frequency switching power supply (also known as switch-type rectifier SMR) is generally controlled by MOSFET or IGBT high-frequency work. The switching frequency is generally controlled within the range of 50-100kHz to achieve high efficiency and miniaturization.
Principles of high -frequency switching power supply
The high -frequency switching power supply uses power semiconductor device as a switching device. The periodic interval work is used to control the duty cycle of the switching device to adjust the output voltage. The basic composition of the switching power supply is shown in Figure 1, where the DC/DC converter performs power conversion power conversion,它是开关电源的核心部分,此外还有起动、过流与过压保护、噪声滤波等电路.输出采样电路(R1、R2)检测输出电压变化,与基准电压Ur比较,误差电压经过放大及The pulse width modulation (PWM) circuit, and then control the duty cycle of the power device through the drive circuit to achieve the purpose of adjusting the output voltage size.
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