When it comes to pantyhose, the girls in Japan started to prevail. Therefore, they also explored early in this regard, and the brand was relatively concentrated. I recommend a few well -known pantyhose brands. Lets take a look.Intersection
Thick wood
It is said that in Japan, there are almost at least one thick wood for girls.The thickness of the thickness is very rich. From 10D to 1500D, there are corresponding products, and the fabric is comfortable, elastic, not easy to drop files, anti -static.
In Japan, the brand of pantyhose with Houmu has always been very good. His family is more focused on the exploration of heating fabrics. The reputation of pantyhose in autumn and winter has always been very good, and it is generally reflected very durable. You can try it.
His pantyhose in his family believes that everyone can wear it. It is easy to buy, and you can also touch the thickness of the physical store.The colors and styles are relatively conservative. The focus is on good matching. Generally, wearing it, but it is easier to get the ball.
MUJIs pantyhose chooses too much, and only 5 or 6 can be selected.It is more recommended to be his right -angle pantyhose. The part of the step -by -step foot is very comfortable, and he does not drop the files. You can also buy pantyhose that can be bought.
Related tags: Apparel