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Lansur Lansea brd introduction

Lansur Lansea brd introduction

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The Lansur Lanser brand originated from its founder -Zhou Zhaoyang.For 20 years deeply in the colorful makeup industry, Mr. Zhou Zhaoyang deeply learned the minds of Chinese women pursuing the beauty of nature. In 2006, relying on the support of the Chinese makeup company Wanbang International Group, he founded the plant flower makeup brand that promoted the "beauty of nature" -Lansur LanserEssence
Lanser, borrowing the amazing creativity of Italian painting art, especially its exquisite use of color and light, combined with the skin quality and aesthetics of Oriental people, upholding the harmonious way of "thousands of plants?"Flowers, plants, landscapes, and pastorals in nature seeks inspiration to develop research and development, developed a variety of makeup products with rich types, guiding fashion trends, and bringing "olive multi -effect mascara", "condensed mascara", "flawless nourishment nourishment"Word of word -of -mouth products such as double -colored BB powder cream "are favored and praised by many young female consumers.
From "the taste of autumn" to "the bloom of roses", from "neons flashing" to "light of wheat fields", Langse borrowed the inspiration of the "color story" of natural things into the development of makeup products, so that people are on makeupEnjoy the taste of nature and let "beauty return to nature".Lansey makeup is not just a simple product, or some monotonous colors. It expresses more womens pursuit of beautiful life and infinite desire for bright and happy life.The attitude of life.Lansur Lansey, a plant flower and makeup brand who knows how to share love and artistic beauty, a color master around you.