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Master lock MasterLock brand introduction

Master lock MasterLock brand introduction


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Marst Lock Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., the top ten brands of password locks, began in 1921. The US Fortune 500 companies are dedicated to the establishment of lock design, application and performance standards, global locks and portable securityProfessional manufacturer of product.
Marst lock company was founded by the locksmith Harrysoref in 1921 in Milwauki, Wisconsin, USA.The Marst lock invented the steel thousand -layer lock in 1924, and then invented the password lock in 1935.
Marst locks joined Fortune Brands in 1970. It has households with household hardware products, alcohol and golf equipment in home hardware products., Titleist and other brands.Today, Marst lock is a manufacturer of locks and portable security products in the world.And in industries such as safety products, automobile accessories, sports, home furnishings, and schools continue to improve quality and value.
Today, Marst lock is a manufacturer of locks and portable security products in the world.And in industries such as safety products, automobile accessories, sports, home furnishings, and schools continue to improve quality and value.
Master Lock Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was established in 2006. It is a wholly -owned company in China with a full sales, logistics, finance, and sales support departments in Master Lock Company.There are professional sales engineers in Guangzhou and Shanghai, you can reply to your consultation on engineering and technical.Delivery center is in Gaqiao, Shanghai.
Marst lock has always paid attention to the pace of the market and keeps pace with the times. In 2008, free LOTO training was launched in China. While working hard to strengthen the safety education of the workers, it also laid for themselves as a world lock manufacturer.Strong brand.
So far, many domestic automobile manufacturers, soft beverages, chemicals and other plants have begun to invite the technical personnel of Mast locks. Dealers representatives to train their workers and technicians. From the Shenyang Industrial Zone in my country to Guangzhou, Marster Locking LOTO professional knowledge, novel and practical locks, constantly popularize and emit light in all parts of China.my countrys territory and wide industrial land will continue to serve the public in the future, Masters 60 -year development in China, strive to improve the domestic production level, and provide strong and sturdy armor for the development of the country.